

A meeting of The Advisory Board for the Pennsylvania State College Behrend Center, Erie Pa. was held on Wednesday,December 29th, 1948 at 4:00 P.M. at the Center.

Those members present were:

Mr. E. W. Nick

Mrs. H.C. OgdenMr. G.R. Fryling

Mrs. C.D. Klahr Mr. N. A. Carlson

Mr. J.A. Zurn Mr.Allyn Wright

Mr. H.C. Mitchell Mr.W. Pit Gifford

Mr. E. T. Knobloch Mr. T. Reed Ferguson

Mr. B. E. Claridge Mr. R.C. Henzi

Visitor present: Mr.S.H. Campbell

Members not present: Mr. R.C. Reed

Mrs. Mary B Behrend

Mr. H.L.R. Emmet

Dr.C Herman Grose

Dr. Paul Henkel

Mr. E W Nick,president ,called the meeting to order. A motion was made and seconded that the minutes of the last meeting not be read.

Mr. Nick asked Mr. Ferguson for a general report on all activities today at the Center. Mr. Ferguson gave the details of the building program and pointed out that it was now completed with exceptions of a few minor jobs he added that the money expended to date was an excess of the expected 60,000.00 and when all bills are in a will probably approximate 100,000.00.

The Administrative Head informed the board the third are 152 credit students and between 80 to 100 evening technical students in attendance at Behrend Center. In addition there were also two graduate courses being offered who's enrollment constitutes over 40 local school teachers.

SOCIAL EVENTS-- for the benefit of those who will not present,-- Mr. Ferguson briefly outlined the activities that transpired at the

formal dedication of Behrend Center.

He pointed out that the center was also being used by other groups which is as was originally planned search groups as the Erie County Principals Association have held their dinner meetings at the center a cello concert was given by a member of the local Philharmonic Association. The Faculty held a dinner prior to Christmas Vacation after which an amateur program was put on by the students of the Center. The students held their Christmas dance at theMasonic Building Ballroom .

Mr.Ferguson informed the board that the Center would be able to take in a few new students in February and at the present there are about 12 applications on hand. He further predicted that the fall 1949 enrollment was expected to be around 350 students.

The new catalog for the fall term would be available about the 1st of March.

The registration for evening classes, second term, was also discussed by Mr. Ferguson and he mentioned the fact that it was planned to include a few courses that would be new to the program such as Spanish, Russian and Public Speaking. The Board was brought up to date on the work that will be done in a Speech Clinic in conjunction with the State Office of Rehabilitation and they will also told about the plans to assist the Erie Parent Teaches Association in the operation of a Forum.

GENERAL DISCUSSION ON MR. FERGUSON'S REMARKS-- Mr. Nick asked as to the status of new second semester enrollees after having completed this half year's work. Mr. Ferguson pointed out these students must, upon registration, sign an agreement that they will, through attending summer school, prepare themselves so that they can enter school in the fall as a full-fledged sophomore.

The question was raised as to whether or not present facilities could accommodate the predicted 350 student enrollment for the fall 1949 term. It was pointed out that this was based on the assumption that necessary expansion of present classrooms would be made.

Mr. Carlson asked what the possibilities were for offering graduate work through the Behrend Center facility , particularly for area school teachers. It was indicated that the student that certain persons on the campus or working on this problem with the idea to provide more than the present three credit limit of graduate work for the benefit of some of the Board members it was briefly explained that the present College policy does not permit their recognizing more than three credits towards a master's degree on the Penn State campus in spite of the fact that student other colleges will accept more than three extension graduate credits offered by Penn State services. It is expected that this three credit limit will be increased in the not too distant future but at present it is not known just how many credits will be allowed.

Mr. Ferguson then suggested that Mr. Henzigive the Board a report on the recreation and athletic activities carried on at the Center. Mr. Henzi stated that's a program at present was a comparatively modest one, and due in part to the inadequacy of the present facilities and to the fact that we are still much in the process of original organization. The board was told that Mr. Marvin Demp, Recreational Director at the Center, was directly in charge of this work and under existing circumstances, was doing an excellent job. The various activities, in addition to the regular required physical education program, are as follows:

MEN'S ACTIVITIES-- Intramural Basketball, six complete teams. It is planned to pick a representative team from these teams to play other comparable Fresh-men groups at nearby institutions. These games are played in the evening at the Lawrence Park High School Gymnasium and also on a church gymnasium floor

There are approximately 15 to 20 men students who spend Saturday mornings under Mr. Demp's direction, in wrestling. It is not expected to have an organized wrestling team at the Center but this group will have gained considerable experience in the event that they are interested in wrestling as a varsity sport once they are admitted to the main campus.

The Center operates a bowling league in which over60 persons participate one day a week. The comment was made that this is rather exceptional since it represents a little better than half of the student body. The participants in this activity are both men and women students and also a few of the faculty. It does much towards heightening the general morale of the Center and makes for a better relationship between student and faculty. Mr. Henzi also gave an outline of the expected winter sports program which includes skiing and ice skating. He told the Board that Mr. Lamb of the Erie Dispatch had donated $100.00 to the ski club. This money will be used to buy the equipment necessary to construct a ski lift. An area has also been prepared for ice skating and water will be run into the prepared pond once freezing weather sets in.

GIRL'S ACTIVITIES: The girls activities are somewhat limited by equipment and numbers. However, smaller groups have become interested in such sports as archery, golf and horseback riding. The outdoor pool of course is not available most of the time because of the weather. It was used quite extensively doing the short period in which sports could be carried on.

DISCUSSIONS ON SCHOLARSHIPS:-- Mr. Ferguson suggested that more scholarships could be used at the Center. He informed the board that approximately 90% of the dropouts the center has had to date has been because of financial difficulties. He further suggested that the industrial work scholarship would be good i.e. where a company would guarantee to provide a certain number of work hours in order that a needy student might earn money towards his college expenses. Mr. Carlson made the statement that he was 100% for this but felt the present time was somewhat inopportune for further solicitations. This comment was made in view of the recent ending of a number of heavy and intensive financial drives made in the local community.

Mrs. Klahr suggested that a loan fund might be set up in order to help deserving students. At this pointMr. Claridge announced that the Hammermill Trust Fund will have a third scholarship available starting in February. The board received this news with the many expressions of enthusiasm.

Mrs. Ogden informed the Board that The College Women's Club has a Loan Fund for women and that she was sure this would be available for proven deserving cases.Mr. Ferguson then said the center will be very glad to use this the source if necessary there was some discussion as to operation of this very necessary work and it will suggested that the presently named scholarship committee be changed to the student aid committee this suggestion was put into a form of a motion by Mr. Fryling and seconded by Mr. Claridge. Motion was carried. The president of the board was directed to name the members to this reorganized committee at an early date.

PROPOSED FELLOWSHIP-- Mr. Nick reported to the board that Mr. L.G. Meyer of PA Meyer and Sons wants to establish a Chair for Merchandising and Retailing at the Behrend Center. Mr. Nick asked both Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Campbell what information was available to pass on to Mr. Meyer as to such matters as cost acceptance by the college and other details concerned in such a move. Mossrs. Ferguson and Campbell both agreed that they would have to have more information before being able to give Mr.Meyers definite facts. It was decided that these gentlemen would make an appointment to seeMr.Meyers concerning further details. They would then have to clear through the main campus before final action could be taken on this matter. It was, however, felt that no serious difficulty would be encountered and making this most generous gesture to become a reality. After details have been worked out, a further report will be made to The Advisory Board.

TECHNICAL INSTITUTE PROGRAMS--Mr. Campbell told the board of Purdue Universities Cooperative program with the Inland Steel Corporation in which workers from this company went to school one day a week and took technical institute type subjects. These courses are not college credit courses but are generally college level and their content. They are much more specific and their objectives and give the individual information on a particular job rather than the general background of knowledge we received in a complete four year college program. This work is taken with the company paying the expenses of the students. Mr. Campbell was interested in knowing whether the board felt that such a program might be of interest to local industries. It was decided that Mr. Fryling who is presently the president of the Manufacturers' Association Board would determine if this group is interested in such a project. If the Association Board so decided Mr. N.A. Hedden will come to Erie to give them more details of this program.

Mr. Ferguson asked for the Board's opinion on industrial plants registratiors for Evening Technical Institute Classes he pointed out that this was to be done at the General Electric Plant the way the plan would operate would be for a company to announce that on a certain day, at a certain time, representatives from the Center would be available to the company employees to furnish information on the evening classes and also to take registrations for enrollment in these courses. Mr.Fryling agreed to also check this matter with the Manufacturers' Association and pass their reaction onto the Board. Mr. Campbell informed the board that the Erie Technical Institute was at present one of the smallest in the state and he was of the opinion that a community the size of Erie , whether it's diversified industries, should have more people involved in this type of training.

PROPOSED TWO-YEAR COLLEGE CREDIT SECRETERIAL COURSES--Mr. Ferguson asked the advice of the Board regarding a proposed two-year secretarial course to be given at the type="education">Behrend Center.

Mr. Ferguson's primary concern was asked to whether or not local business colleges would object to the inauguration of this course. This question was best answered by expressions to from members of the board that in spite of local secretarial training available they invariably had to give training to new office employees before such persons were deemed competent to carry on the company's business. The Board was definitely in favor of such a course of study being offered at the Center. Mr. Ferguson made the remark that objection might be overruled by the fact that our facilities would limit the number of enrollees to approximately 50 students. This program of study has to receive the college Senate approval to become official but this action is expected at the next meeting of this group.

FUTURE BUILDING PLANS-- Mr. S.H. Campbell from the College campus in charge of community services was asked to present a suggested plan for a new building to the Board. Hazleton Center on a very similar structure. All of the members present was shown a blueprint of a proposed recreational building for the Behrend Center. Mr. Campbell pointed out that this was a necessary facility toward the completeness of any college campus and that it was used for many more things than sports activities. He pointed out such groups as dramatics, musical organizations, assemblies of any large size all needed such an area to carry on the programs. He further stated that it was hoped to introduce, in the not far distant future, an ROTC unit for the Behrend Center but that this would be impossible until it could be proven to the military authorities that an adequate place for indoor drill was available. Such a recreation building as this would serve that purpose admirably.

Mr. Campbell was asked what the estimated cost of this building might be and his reply was to the effect that approximately $75,000.00 would be necessary. There was then a general discussion on whether or not the board would want to get a community organization or organizations to sponsor a drive for funds to erect such a building. It was the general consensus of opinion that if this be done it would be better if a group of organizations sponsored the move. It was felt that the board as such would not direct this drive but would attempt to interest local community organizations to take the lead in this work.

Mr. Carlson offered a motion that a committee the appointed to contact such organizations to ascertain their interest in a conducting such a drive as described above. This was seconded by Mr. Zurn and the motion was carried. This committee will be appointed by the President of the Board.

The President of the Board suggested that this group go on record in a message of condolence to the family of Mr. J. Elmer Reed, whose very recent death was such a loss to the board and the community. Mr. W Pitt Gifford moved that such an expression be made for the Behrend Center Advisory Board to the Reed family. This was seconded by Mr. Nick appointed Mr. Claridge as a Chairman and Mr.Gifford and 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

<R.C. Henzi

RCH:HA R.C. Henzi, Secretary