

A luncheon meeting of the Advisory Board for The Pennsylvania State College, Behrend Center, Erie, Pa, was held on Monday, April 11, 1949 at 12:15 p. m. the Center.

Those members present were:

Dr. C. Herman Grose Mr. E.T. Knobloch Mrs. C. Dean Klahr Mrs. H. C. Ogden Irr Ga R • Fryling Mr. H. C. Mitchell Mr. B. E. Claridge Mr. Robert Reed Mr. Allyn Wright Mrs. Mary B. Behrend Mr. T. Reed Ferguson Mr. R. C. Henzi

Visitors Present:

Mr. E. L. Keller Mr. S. H. Campbell Mr. K. L. Holderman Mr. Othmar Wuenschel

Members not present:

Mr. He L. R. Emmet Mr M. A. Carlson Mr. W. Pitt Gifford Mr. J. A. Zurn Dr. Paul H. Henkel Mr. E. W. Nick

Mr. Robert Reed, Vice-President, called the meeting to order and expressed appreciation for the nice lunch and welcomed all visitors to the meeting.

Mr. G. R. Fryling offered the motion that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted. The motion carried. Reading of the minutes was foregone since all members had received copies.

Mr. Reed expressed his, and his family's, appreciation for the letter of condolence sent on his father's death.

The Administrative Head, Mr. Ferguson, gave a brief report of the activities covering the following points:

1. The second semester enrollment is 160 freshmen, of which 30 are new students.

2. 100 course enrollments in the Evening Technical Institute.

3. Two graduate Extension courses, with enrollments of twenty each. They are: "Safety Education" and "Modern Tendencies In American Education.'

4. A Motor Fleet Supervision course is in operation in Warren, with an enrollment of twenty persons.

5. Mr. George Harvey is conducting two fly-tying classes in Erie, and on in Sharon, with total enrollment of 61 persons.

6. A Speech Correction Clinic is being conducted at the Center by Mr. William Horean and three individuals are receiving training through the State Rehabilitation Bureau. Mr. Furguson further stated that since the inauguration of this service many of the freshmen have requested help in speech and reading.

7. Many clubs and sociotios havo boon making use of the Contor to hold their rogular mootings. Tho Administrative Hood said that this was to be onoouragod as Bohrond Contor should bo availablo to any worthy community group.

8. Mr. Balmor, Chomistry Instructor, is in charge of a radio program ovory Saturday at 6:30 p. me, under tho auspicos of the American Chemioal Socioty.

9. The Contor holpod tho Erie Paronts Toachors Association con- duct a Forum in which mombers of tho local and campus staff participated as speakors.

10. All high schools in the area have beon visited for the pur- pose of informing graduating seniors as to what is available at Tho Ponnsylvania State College and, particularly, Behrend Center. Thoso intorested in attonding college wore givon applications.

11. An Open Houso will bo hold April 28th and 29th, at which timo high school studonts from the surrounding arca arc invited to inspoct Behrend Conter. Mr. Ferguson added that ho hopod that all of the Board mombors would be able to visit the Conter at that time.

12. Wir. Forguson pointod out that vory littlo has been done in the way of a radio program from the Contor because tho staff has not had the time to do a rally good job. It is hoped that soothing will bo done in telovision noxt Fall,

Mr. Rood asked what tho prosent status was in scholarships at the Contor. Ho was told that at prosent thero are thro Hamunermill scholarship studonts, one Senatorial Scholarship student and one Wosloyville Rotary Club Scholarship studont. He askod what had boon dono on the Student Aid and Loan Fund. It was pointod out that Mr. Carlson was Chairman and sinco ho was not prosent roport could not bo made on that project at this timo.

Mrs. Ogdon commonted that tho College Womon's Club now has over $1,000.00 available for this purposo, providod a logitimato need is establishod. There was a goneral discussion, in which Mr. E. L. Kollor and Mrs. Behrend, and others took part on how tho college might receive a scholarship. It was sug- gestod that approximatoly $400.00 is nocossary for a scholarship at Bohrond Contor. Mr. Keller mado the statoment that generally tho amount and period oovored by any scholarship was entiroly up to tho donor.

It was roported that Mr. L. G. Moyor had been contaoted on his Morchandis- ing Followship idea and that based on that discussion, tho College is prosontly working on dotails of how this might bo sot up,

To dato thoro has not boon official Sonato action on tho proposod two your socrotorial courso. It is oxpoctod that this notion will bo forthooming so that this courso of study may bo offorod at tho Contor in tho Fall of 1949

As a mombor of tho Committoo on funds for a Rocroation Hall, Mr. Rood roportod that ho and Mr • Claridgo and Mr. Knobloch had mot sovoral timos. Among tho things that thoy discussod and folt should bo rocommondod woro a long range plan for a building layout on tho campus. The Committeo wants holp from tho Collogo in making such a gonoral layoute It was folt that work should bo dono first on that building most noodod immodiatoly. It was suggostod that funds might bost bo raisod by tho Alumni Association of Tho Ponnsylvonia Stato Collogo in Erio. With this in mind, Mr. Othmar Wuonschol, Prosidont of tho Alunni Association was askod to sit in on tho mooting. At this point Mr. Muonschol romarkod that he plannod to call togothor somo of tho key mombors of tho Alumni Association, following tho closo of this Advisory Board Mooting, sinco ho would thon bo in possossion of additional facts. Ho furthor suggost- od that in order to put such a campaign ovor it might bo woll to havo somo at- tractive skotchos and layouts of tho proposod building to show to prospoctive contributors.

Mr. Rood stated that ho did not fool it nocossary that a high pressure cam- paign bo put on in ordor to raiso this monoy. Mr. Kollor suggostod that tho Rocroation Building would be an oxcollent projoct for tho idvisory Board sincc the Collego must nocossorily bo first and primarily concorned with adoquato facilities for study. Ho motioned spocifically additional noods in the scionce Building. His basis for this romark was tho anticipation of approximatoly 300 studonts for tho Fall of 1949 which is doublo thoso hero prosontly; and, also, the possibility within tho noxt yeor or two of tho addition of a sophomoro class. Ho furthor statod that the Collogo will go to work on a plot plan for a long range building program.

Mr.Keller informed tho Board tho collego has spent $113,000.00 to date on the Bohrond Contor and expocts to invost anothor $40,000,00 for this Fall It was statod that the possibilities at Bohrend Centor scomed groator than thoso at other Contors and, thoroforo, moro funds must be allocated. Mrs. Bohr ond told the Board that sho had rocontly visited the Architocts at Phil- adolphia who built tho prosontly namod Behrond Contor. Sho suggested that porhaps this architect might be all right for such a plonning progrom.. Mrs. Bohrond folt that the Ponnsylvania Dutch stylo of architecture ought to be maintainod throughout in any additions that would be mado, At this point Mr Koller told Mrs. Behrond and othor mombors of tho Board, that in any evont all such plans would havo to bo passod on by tho Colloge architects, Mrs. Bohrond thon made the vory gonorous offor of $1000.00 if such financial aid would bo nocossary in order to get the projoct of a campus plan underway. Mr, E, Le Koller, for the Colloge, and Mr. Rood for the Board, both oxprossod their approciation at this offer. Dotails of this matter have to bo workod out in tho noar future.

Mr. Koller was asked to givo an ostimato on the cost of tho Rocreation Building and ho offored tho figuro of $75,000,00 as a minimum, Such a build- ing would bo availablo for the ontiro community and not just tho Conter. Mr, Knobloch suggested that in the dosign of this building the thought bo kopt in mind for future oxpansion. Mr. Kollor addod that tho Rocroation Building location must of nocossity be docidod by available playing fiold space and what the drainago program might be. Mr. Rood asked Mr. Ferguson to toll tho Board the amount that was sot up for noxt your's budgot. Mr. Forguson's answor was that $245,000.00 had boon allottod.

Mr. Forguson statod that over 150 applications are at present out in the hands of possiblo froshmon students. It was of interest to know from Mr. Keller's remark that as of tho ond of March tho Colloge has roceivod ovor 5,000 applications for ontranco in tho Freshman Class, This represents 1,000 more than applied last year. Mr. Reed made the statement that he believed a large number of local students will be enrolled at Behrend Center in September 1949.

Mr. Ferguson reported that Mrs. Behrend had very graciously loaned three paintings to the Conter to be hung on our, at present, somewhat bare walls.

The Board receivod with much interest, the information from Mr. Ferguson that the Student Council had inaugurated a survey of students and parents to determine the number who would like to return to Behrend Center next year for their Sophomore work.

The Student Council has sent cards to local alumni asking for donations of books for the Library. The returns on this request have been gratifying.

Mrs. Behrend informed the Board that she would like to refurnish the present library room with some pieces of furniture that belonged to Mr. Behrend personally and are now in the Hammermill Paper Company offices. This could be done since suggested plans for additional facilities this Fall include the moving of the present library to the classroom building. Mr. Keller pointed out that emphasis would be placed on providing the Behrend Center library with a number of scientific volumes that would be of value to industry, as woll as the students; It is hoped that local industry can be acquainted with the material the library will possess so that they may make use of it during the evenings.

1 motion was made and secondod for adjournmont at 2:05 p. m.

Respectfully submitted R.C. Henzi, Secretary