The first meeting for 1949-50 of the Advisory Board for The Pennsylvania State College, Behrend Center, Erie, Pennsylvania was hold on Monday, November 7th at 4 p. m. in the Library at the Center. Mrs. C. Dean Klahr presided at the tea table, using the new tea service which she and Mrs. H. C. Ogden had purohased from funds raised at a benefit bridge party.
Those members present were:
Mr o Be We Nick, Prosident Mr, Ro Co Reed, Vice-President Mr Wo Pitt Gifford Mr 。 • No Ao Carlson Mr. H. Co Mitchell Mr. Allyn Wright As Zurn Mr• Eo I. Knobloch Mrs Co Dean Klahr Mrs. H. C. Ogden Mr. I. Reed Ferguson
Visitor Present:
Mr. S. H. Campbell
Wro E. W. Nick, President, called the meeting to order and asked for a report of activities at the Behrend Center by Reed Ferguson, Administrative Head at the Behrend Center. The following report was presented:
ENROLLIENT - Credit Students Day Technical Institute Total Full-time Students 170 30 Erie Technical Institute 97 Oil City Class Center 40 Sharon Class Conter 57 Leisure-Time Classes in process of organization Insurance Classes 24 Speech Clinio 8 (Full-Time Students)
No Ferguson also gave a brief resume on the Executive Workshop held at the Behrend Center in September•
Course in Pulp & Paper Making which Behrend Center is operating in conjunction with the Hammermill Paper Company. Ho also indicated changes which had been made at the Center during the past summer, such as library shelves, Speech Clinic dishwasher and steam table for kitchen and an additional office.
Mr. Ferguson placed before the group the problem of finding adequate spaoe for ovening classes in the city of Erie, since the public schools are not opened for Ponn State ovening classes and adults do not like traveling to the Center for evening classes, the enrollment for night courses is low. He emphasized that space in the YMCA, YWCA and Chamber of Conmorce is being used. However, ad- ditional space is needed.
A suggostion was made by one of the membors of the possibility of ronting spado from the Brie Business Collogo, or Erie Commoroial Collogo. Nr • Ferguson reported that ho will investigate the matter.
Wire Ne ,A. Carlson, as well as othor mombors of tho Board, expressed the opinion that the college and this Board should not again request permission to use the public school buildings.
" discussion followed concorning Ponn Stato studonts attonding Stato Toachors Collegos and Cooporating Collogos in tho area while Bohrond Contor was still in nod of students. A motion was mado by Mr. E. Te Knobloch, secondod by ir. No A. Carlson, was passod, dirocting tho socrotary to vito a lottor to Prosidont Milholland and J. 0. Kollor in regard to this mattor.
Prosidont Nick callod on Mr. S. He Compboll, from tho main campus, to toll of rosont devolopmonts concorning tho rocroational building. Mr. , Campbol1 pro- seatod a now plan and skotoh of the proposod building as dovelopod by Harboson, He ugh, Livingston and Larson, tho collogo architocts. Aftor somo discussion conserning tho possibilitios of raising monoy for this building, it ' was agrood that any dofinito stops to start a compaign should bo postponed until businoss conditions improvo. Moonhilo, (1) plans should be sont to Mrs. Bohrond for approval; (2) the college should continuo to got dotails and costs of tho build- ing: (3) mombors of the Advisory Boord should dotormino by porsonal contacts whothor it would now bo possiblo to raise $150,000.00 for such a building.
Ir. Nick stated that tho torms of throe Advisory Board mombors oxpirod this yoar, Je A. Zurn, Ho L• Ro Enmott and Ellis I. Knobloch. Upon due oloction, the same mombors were roolected for a three year torm.
The rosignation of Dr. Paul H. Honkol was prosontod by Mr. Nick and Mr. Dana Jones was looted to tako his place on the Board.
Ir• I. Rood Forguson read a lottor from Dr. Groso quostioning tho advisibility of his rosignation since ho will livo in Harrisburg whilo sorving as Doputy Suporin- tondont of Public Instructions and would be unablo to participato activoly as a momber of the Advisory Board. Tho Board unanimously docided that ho should ro- main a mombor despito his absence. Mr. Nick stated that tho By-lows oall for annual oleotions, The following officors woro reclocted: Mr • E. We Nick, Prosidont Mr Ra C. Rood, Vice-President Mr. B. E• Claridgo, Troasuror
Mr, Allyn Wright was olocted Secrotary to roplaco Mr. R. C. Honzi who is no longor with the colloge.
Mro I. Rood Ferguson askod whother it would bo possiblo for tho Scholarship Com- mittoo to socure any scholarships for possiblo students at the Bohrond Contor, Immodi atoly Mr. N. As Carlson, Chairman of this Committoo, offered a scholarship, to bo callod the L. O. Carlson Scholarship, for a boy from Acadomy High School. In quick succossion, Mr. John Zurn, and Mr. E. W. Nick, offered similar scholar- chips for Strong Vincont High School. The Committoe agreed to assumo the ro- sponsibility of contacting additional industrios and individuals to socure othor scholarships for tho city and county studonts. Sinco many scholarships aro avail- able from othor local collogos to high school students in the city and county, nood is folt for scholarships ranging in valuo from $50.00 to $200.00 por yoar for Froshmon and Day Tochnical Instituto studonts ontoring Bohrond Contor.
Tho idvisory Board, as a body, thankod Hrs. C. Down Klahr and Ira. Harold s. Ogdon for thoir fino work in souring tho too sorvico which thoy had prosontod to the collogo. A motion was mado and soconded for adjournmont at 6 p. m. Rospootfully submittod •At